Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How does the media represent a social group that you have studied?

Intro - I will introduce the group which the essay is based on which is women, also i will give a deffinition of a stereotype and what it is

Para 1 - one stereotype of women that has been known in the past was that women belonged in households where they would be doing domestic chores and cater to their families, there were not seen as indepenedent and it was thought that they were not able to cope on their own, i will introduce texts such as the shake and vac advert as it shows women with their domestic roles.

Para 2 - another stereotype which women have been associated with is that they are premiscious and that they are seen as sex objects in different films through history one example of how women were shown to be premiscious is in films like pretty women.

Para 3 - talk more about this representation but with more contemporary examples also include information about the male gaze and show how it is still relevent today.

Para 4 - talk about how this theory could not be in effect now as there are examples were women are not shown in this way, for example tomb raider and also wanted.

Para 5 - talk about how even though women are shown as being stronger in wanted and tomb raider they are still represented as sex objects as there are times in both films were the character is potrayed as being sex objects as they are shown wearing provactive clothing and also some nude scenes.

Conclusion -

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