Monday, April 20, 2009

Essay Question Plan

Compare two examples, from different decades, of any media genre of your choice. Describe and account for the major differences and similarities between them?

To start of the essay i will introduce my two chosen texts which are the oringial texas chainsaw massacre 1974 and then the more contemporary version of the film which was released in 2003. i will talk about the general plot of the film and give instituion details such as directors, and summerise the differences of both films.

Para 1
in this paragraph i will talk about the difference in representation, this will feature a detailed explanation about how the representation of teenagers have changed, i will look at how the use of marijuana and drug culture has effected the representation.

para 2
Talk about and state that the same generic codes such as both films have a final girl, Leatheface the killer, same murder weapon, group of friends, "the slaughter house" Leatherfaces home

para 3
Discuss and show how the technology has adapted a lot since that decade, such as how the mask of Leatherface has changed more and also the props used such as the chainsaw the meat hooks and more help to touch on this wider context issue, thus showing and emphasising the zeitgeist in the texts and difference between both eras thy were both filmed in.

para 4
Whether changes in the genre and films reflect the zeitgeist , and see what social factors could be responsible for the differences in the films.

talk about how the spirit of the age is responsible for the difference in the texts, also what other things may impact the change like social issues or econimical issues, also the use of special effects may have contributed to the difference.

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