Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday The 13th

the original 'Friday the 13th' film was released 29 years ago, in 1980. A number of sequels were made afterwards, most recently the remake of the original was made this year in 2009 in order to keep the younger generation up to date with famous slasher films.

since the original there has been 13 parts of the film which have all been rated lower then the original, this could be due the fact that the directors have over used certain elements, and make the films to repetitive, one of the films is about jason in a big city, this film was rated the lowest out of the series.

since then, a film called feddy vs jason was made but this film also was rated low, another film was released called Jason X, in this film jason was taken into space. the latest film was relased in 2008 the film was also rinsed out with the elemtents and the film is getting boring becuase the audience have realeased that jason never dies.

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