Monday, December 15, 2008

Contemporary Adverts

The diet coke advert shows women watching a male character take his clothes off and drinking coke, the advert shows a idea which is different from other adverts, most of the adverts show men watching women take their clothes of something on the same line ( male gaze ) but in this advert the females watch the men behave promiscious this can be said to introduce the female gaze which is the oppisite of the male gaze, which shows women objectifying men as sex objects.

This advert is similar to the diet coke advert becuase it is showing female characters looking at male characters, this advert also supports the female gaze as the man is being objectified, from the last two adverts it can be said that displaying the oppisite sex in a premiscious way is a effective way of selling products.

this advert is different the others and shows another change in society, in this advert it shows a male character doing houswork when stereotypically it was a females job to do it, the advert shows the change in domestic roles which also goes on the new man, it also raises awarness of men being "housewives" as some men now days choose to stay home and raise their kids.

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