Monday, November 3, 2008

Relevent Texts

over the week i watched films such as scream, halloween h20 and i also managed to get hold of a copy of the original hills have eyes. over the week it was also halloween this gave me a chance to watch more horror films and make links about typical conventions of horror films. i also looked into another genre of film which is spoof films, films such as scary movie I,II,III this was good for me to watch as they highlight typical horror conventions as they make fun of them.

after watching scream i noticed that the role of women were similar in both films, women were shown as a weak gender however in scream the female character seems stronger then the character in the hills have eyes this may be down to the fact that in the hills have eyes the female character is paired with a male character and they may make her role seem less stronger by a great amount so that the power of the male is seen as higher then it is and in scream the womens role is on her own. another thing i noticed was that the role of the Last Girl was shown in this film, this is similar to the hills have eyes which has also got a last girl in the film. In scream the women are shown in a much more sexual way then the hills have eyes, even though in the hills have eyes there is a few sexual scenes the representation of the women isnt as sluts but in scream they are.

halloween h20
the last girl role was present, and that stereotype of women wasnt the same, they wernt seen in a provocative manner, the target audience seems to be a older target then films such as scream and the hills have eyes. the female character is seen to be stronger then both of the other characters this can be said becuase in the other films the females are running away from the villian but in this film there are scenes where the female character is in search the killer as she wants to stop him. like the other horror films the killer is a male showing the power over the females.

The original hills have eyes
havent seen this film yet, but is my first priority to watch this soon.

The scary movie trilogy
the genre of these films were not horror but it was useful overall and also entertaining. the films show typical things that are seen in horror films but these films show them in a humerous way, while watching the films i noticed key things to horror films, such as representations of women, use of sexual content, representation of villians in the film and how horror films base things on realistic scenarios. the films also supported the idea of last girl as the main character was a female and she survived through all the films.

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