Tuesday, October 7, 2008


AO1- demonstrate knowledge and application of the Key Concepts employed within Media Studies and the evaluation of texts and ideas using the key concepts.

From my as level studies and from what i have convered this year i believe i have used the key concepts to anaylse different things including pictures and trailers of the chosen text. i have covered the majority of concepts with my strongest being media language and representation however i feel as if i could overall improve on them all by looking deeper into the texts. one of the key concepts which i have most truble with is narrative, in order to fix this i will read more into narrative and how to spot it in texts.

AO2- demonstrate knowledge and application of the wider contexts (historical, social, political, economic) relevant to Media Studies.

i have heard of the word zeitgeist but do not fully understand the word, i think i will have to look into this topic and find out more about as my knowledge of the word is not great. in terms of shep i have been mostly looking on historical this is becuase the film was was made in the 60's and i have looked into the difference of both films and thinking how can history effect the reason why the film has had a change, this led me on to looking into social as i have looked into briefly why the films values had changed due to social views, i have looked into the topic but will need to research this topic more as it will be somthing important i will need to write about in my independent study. i have not yet looked at economical or politcal but i will do shortly.

A05- demonstrate the ability to use appropriate investigative and research techniques in carrying out an independent study of a media text, topic or issue.

overall i think this objective i done well at, i have looked at some books that talk about genre but i was finding it hard selected out bits that were relevent to my question, i have used online reviews that i ahve posted on my blog i have also looked at reviews in magazines that are aimed at regular fim watchers. my question i think is a simple question which is simply " is the hills have eyes a typical horror film" however even though the title is simple i believe by having a question as open as that i can explore into many different things and i wouldnt get stuck for writting becuase i could talk about differnt aspects.
some of the issues and debates i discouverd from my film was male dominence, and the role of women in horror films.
i have not looked into to much detail about theoritical views,i may need to gain more knowledge about the theorists such as marxists and feminsit and i will ahve to try and interpt how they would view this film.
i have viewed my text numerous times and i have seen other texts that are similar to it, i still need to watch the older original version of the film but i have seen the second part of the film of which i am researching. i havent yet looked at many films from the same age as my film as i have been looking into films that are in the same genre and this had included films from different time periods but i will look more into films of the same age as mine to see how they compare and if they display the same social views.
my list of key quotes is short at the moment i will have to build that up but i am taking down key websites that will be useful to my study and also i will try to find some books that can help my study.

Synoptic Ability-draw together understanding of Key Concepts, from different parts of the specification in order to make effective textual readings.
draw upon knowledge and application of a wide range of possible relevant contexts, in order to account for the characteristics of media texts.

i have used some of the topics i learnt last year such as audience theory and also waht i learnt about genre from the film and documentary study last year, i have found them usefull as my understanding of them is better. i could look more into some of the topics i have done and see if i can find a link to my study, some good revision is needed.

Critical Autonomy-apply critical ideas and principles to new situations and demonstrate media literacy in responses to media texts.

i have been working by myself on my topic but i may ask a peer to have a look at the topic and tell me what they think as they might find something i havent thought of yet, in terms of motivation i havent been fully motivated with this task, many times i have alot of work to do and keeping the blog up to date becomes something i have to do and not enjoy to do, i will try prioritse the blog and this study to make sure it gets all my attention and effort.

Quality of written communication- Select and use forms and styles of writing appropriate to purpose and complex subject matter. Organise relevant information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate. Ensure text is legible, and spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate, so that meaning is clear.

when i add something new on the blog i give it a clear heading so it is easy to see and people can find what they are lookign for quickly in addition to this i have also put up videos and pictures that people can watch to understand my text abit more. i use media terminology but i do not spell check my work which i think i should do from now on becuase some words i have seen on my blog are spelt wrong completely. i do not highlight quotes which i should do and i will start doing them from now on.

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